A logo that says cancer gone sisu = indomitable


About this site


This website was created by a husband and wife team who have both defeated cancer (16 years and  21 years post-cancer diagnosis respectively). It aims to sweep together information on cancer from reliable sources to aid anyone affected by it to get a better understanding of it. 

It provides the latest research into means of avoiding or curing cancer. And, most of all, it is intended to give those battling cancer hope and encouragement.

Adopting the Viking concept of SISU (indomitable spirit) will greatly assist you in winning the battle and defeating cancer. If this site seems light-hearted in places, it is because cancer is no laughing matter- that is precisely why you should laugh.

To start with, the costs of running the site will be obtained from the small commission paid by our marketing affiliates. That way, you can spend your money things that will be useful to you and we will be able to focus on coming up with innovative products, rather than on the administration of a non-profit organization.

Please support us and also share this site with anyone who could benefit from it.


If you have cancer, we hope this site will be of some assistance to you. Don’t give up!

Please support us and also share this site with anyone who could benefit from it.



Cancer smashed into my life like a meteor when I was six years old, by killing my father. The costly Cobalt-60 radiation treatment he received in hospital served only to prolong his suffering and enrich the medical profession. He didn't have health care insurance or life insurance so, as a result, my family was ruined financially.

Within two years, we lost our home, car and even my pet dog, Rufus. The family was split up and I ended up living with friends of the family when my grandfather moved in with us some years later. In short, I was robbed of a normal childhood.

Worse, since then, my wife Lily had a cancerous section of her colon cut out and I have twice had cancerous tumours removed from my bladder. My friend since University days, Mike, recently died of cancer after a very long battle. Since I stated this article, another of my friends has died of colon cancer.

So I have a personal stake in the fight against cancer in its many forms.

It goes deeper than that, though. After I was diagnosed with cancer, one of my daughters remarked, half-jokingly, "With both you and Mum having had cancer now, you haven't left us a great genetic legacy." While the remark cut me to the core, it is true.

As it is the duty of every parent to provide their children with the best possible start in life, my driving motivation is to ensure my children do not follow in my wife and my footsteps with regards to cancer.

While my motivation might seem selfish, I also have a concern for everyone fighting cancer. I consider us to be comrades in arms. Having served in the military, it is ingrained into my psyche to ensure no one is left behind. Accordingly, I would like to share the benefits of my efforts with every other cancer sufferer.

My goal is, during what is left of my life, to contribute towards driving the death by cancer statistics down from one in six to one in ten. I plead for your assistance in achieving that.

This year, I celebrate being cancer free for 16 years.

Should I ultimately fall to cancer, I will, like a Viking, consider it to be a good death because I died fighting. Although, perhaps not with sword in hand in the traditional Viking manner.

It is my mission to help you to...


I was misdiagnosed as having diverticulitis in 2003. When, however, my stomach stopped working altogether, I changed doctors and consulted an oncologist. He very quickly established that I in fact had stage 3 colon cancer.

A site my husband Googled indicated that the survival rate for stage 3 colon cancer was 2-5 years.* This was terrifying news as I had three school-going children to think about and we had no one living close to us who would be able to assist my husband if anything were to happen to me.

Although I am of Sicilian descent, I have blue eyes. This is because, as a DNA test showed, I am also the descendant of the Vikings who invaded Sicily from the year 860 onward. Some people mockingly refer to me as Mafia. Add to that the Viking blood and it might explain my refusal, literally, to say die.

After the surgeon has removed the cancerous two and a half inch (six centimeter) portion of my bowel and the surrounding lymph nodes, he wanted to put me on a course of chemotherapy. I refused, in spite of my husband pleading with me to do it.

My reason for refusing the treatment was that, after the surgery, my church pastor had prayed for me. A feeling of complete peace came over me and I was absolutely convinced I was totally healed. Everyone is different, so you should make your own decisions after consulting with your medical specialist.

This year, I celebrate being cancer free for 21 years.


* I must point out that my recent search revealed a much better probability of survival for stage 3 colon cancer than my husband originally thought - whether he got it wrong or information is more reliable now, I cannot say. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/types/colon-rectal-cancer/detection-diagnosis-staging/survival-rates.html

It is my mission to help you to...

RESOURCES articles

By Neville Melville July 30, 2024
Discover the importance of early cancer detection and screening in saving lives. Learn about silent cancers, common symptoms, and the latest testing methods to catch cancer early. Stay informed and proactive about your health for a brighter future.
A man is holding a woman in his arms.
By Neville Melville July 30, 2024
Discover the vital role of love and affection in the healing process for cancer patients. Learn how to provide meaningful support, combat feelings of abandonment, and foster emotional well-being for those affected by cancer
A person is holding an apple with a syringe in it.
By Neville Melville July 30, 2024
Explore the groundbreaking advancements in cancer treatment through the power of the immune system. This article delves into innovative therapies like CAR-T and Attack T-cell treatments, alongside lifestyle modifications that can enhance immune function. Discover how stress management and healthy living can play a crucial role in fighting cancer and boosting overall health. Join us on a journey to understand how to reboot your immune system for better resilience against illness.
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